Friday, February 11, 2022

Live the Moment

 Hi All,

 Thank you for visiting my post.   This is my first post here... As I was traveling in between grey and white matter of my brain searching what to post as the first post. Crowded by many thoughts finally found my piece... Eureka... Living in the present moment. In today's world, either people seem to be worried about past mistakes or 

Hi all, today in this post i would like to share my experience as a Mother......
Maaa...... What a beautiful word and its indeed a blessing. Each women come across this stage of life where physically and emotionally she is been tested to the extreme.... As my son grows up im learning how big this responsiblity "Mother". As a mother we bring kids to this world as a sand clay and we mould it with our different views and make a grown up one... So it is upto a women to make this world a happy one or not..... Primarily a new born needs only Mother's care and affection from around the people... When one is being denied this becomes arrogent and finds any cruel way to live in this earth. My kid needs to be 
sema machi 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


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<li>Type your question1 here.</li><br />
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<li>3+4</li><br />
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